Saturday, October 3, 2009

Still Here

Ye Gods, what a rough couple of weeks.  I started another temporary job with the Census and have been run ragged ever since.  It'll be over with in another couple of weeks, though.  And boy do we need the money.

So I won't be writing much 'til the job is over.  I'm doing OK (as long as I remember to take my a.m. meds, LOL).  The stress is not good for me but no panic attacks or meltdowns (yet).  Wish me luck! 


  1. Hey, Lisa...welcome back. I've missed you! I hope the feds don't over run you with the new job; having the income, I'm sure, is a nice plus. Hang in there. I'll be thinking about you (I am looking forward to hopefully being picked for one of the in-home long version census interviews...curious to see how the questionnaire has changed in the last ten years, especially to check to see if they acknowledge same sex domestic partner relationships).

  2. Just thought I would check in to see how you are doing with this new job. I know you said you'd be too busy to blog, but I just wanted to know you are still in my thoughts!

